
The wave has broken

The wave has brokenOut of its constraints, it screams“I’m coming for you” All extraneous noise stops when you hear the diagnosis, and your world goes into slow motion. You see that big, dark wave; its intent is clear. 

Chaos is only

Chaos is onlyWhat we see when we cannotSee the end results When you are waiting for a diagnosis, your mind is swirling with possibilities, your brain trained to prepare for fight or flight.  Information comes slowly, piece by piece, but  your epinephrine surges full steam ahead.

Tide Pools in sunlight

 Tide Pools in sunlight Prospering and life abounds Tomorrow a dream. How fragile life is. Tide pools are these wonderful ecosystems unto themselves that exist at the whim of nature. It is so easy for them to be brutally destroyed by a careless step, or a crashing wave.